Approx. 9:00am – Charter flight departs Miami International Airport for TLH
11:45am – “World Famous Paella Fest” on Capitol Courtyard
7:00pm – A Taste of Hialeah at Mambo Kings Celebration at Klemen Plaza
Wednesday, April 9:
8:00am – Department Heads Briefing with Bagels at FloridaRealtors Noon – Awards Luncheon location TBD Approx. 5:00pm – Charter flight departs Tallahassee International Airport for MIA
Miami-Dade County Days in Tallahassee takes place each year during the annual Florida Legislative Session. The two-day event includes more than 1,000 people, representing over 200 organizations, from both the private and public sectors. Each year, we travel to the Capitol to advocate for our municipalities and present the achievements of our amazing communities.
Monty Trainer
Chairman, Miami-Dade Days in Tallahassee
There's Paella?
The annual “Paella Fest” is a tradition of ours that is free and open to the public. The event feeds around 2,000 people, including the Governor and Florida Legislators. It’s a wonderful opportunity for participants to meet with our Miami-Dade Delegation as well as Florida’s Legislators while enjoying some of Miami-Dade County’s unique culinary delights.
Miami-Dade County Days, Inc. is the not-for-profit organization that organizes all Dade Days events and meetings during the annual event.